So you decided to take your covid fine to court and challenge it?

Local Court

Court Process in Contesting a Fine So you decided to take your covid fine to court and challenge it? So You Decided To Take Your Fine To Court? What do you do and how does it work? Let’s look into it. To be clear, this is a very concise overview of how the process works, […]

Lockdown and Mental Health

Lockdown & Mental Health Lockdown & mental health Lockdown & Mental Health We were asked to create a template to bring about real mental health awareness and lockdown change. Mental Health awareness is not only a ‘thing, it is a real concern of everyday Australian’s who are tentatively getting through their everyday life. Lockdown has been […]

How you can help Afghanistan

How you can help Afghanistan How you can help in Afghanistan Listen, you can do something about Afghanistan What you can do to help in Afghanistan  Recently we have seen a number of posts about the atrocities in Afghanistan and the plight of the Afghani people. So we ask you a simple question, what have […]