Family Lawyers
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Family Lawyers Who Work For You
Our team of Family Lawyers at Banga Legal understands the stress that separation and divorce can bring into your life and your family. With expert knowledge and genuine compassion, our team is able to guide you through this difficult process to ensure you make the best decision for yourself and your family.
Believe it or not, the unfortunate reality of 43 per cent of Australian marriages ending in the breakdown is not music to anyone’s ears.
The team at Banga Legal have a proven track record in helping our clients to resolve their family law issues to their satisfaction. We firmly believe in extracting you from your former partnership with as much dignity, civility and efficiency as possible whilst ensuring you receive or protect everything you are entitled to.
With respect to divorce proceedings, a party to a marriage may commence proceedings under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) if either party is an Australian citizen, domiciled in Australia or an ordinary resident in Australia for at least the past 12 months.
Defacto Law also forms a part of our family law division. It is not always clear if your relationship is classified as a Defacto relationship. This is what makes it important to seek the right legal advice and clarification. Defacto breakups are similar to marriage breakups which means a property settlement is within your reach.
Why Choose Us
We Are Committed To Protecting What Matters Most
How are we different? We give you the “Big firm experience, in a boutique model”. Simply speaking, you get the best of both worlds, without the endless coin. Yes, we listen to you and we, like you, understand the value.
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Experienced Family Lawyers
Choosing the best family lawyer can make all the difference
In the event of a Defacto relationship or marriage breakdown it is important to determine the division of property. The main objective of the court in determining a property settlement under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) is to finally determine the financial relationships between the parties to the marriage or de facto relationship and avoid further proceedings between them.
In approaching property settlements, it is important that:
- We identify and value the assets, liabilities and financial resources of the parties;
- We identify and assess the contributions made by the parties;
- We evaluate matters including (but not limited to) age, state of health, income and who cares for the child; and
- The court be satisfied, in all circumstances of the case, that it is just and equitable to make the orders.
Banga Legal, your family law experts, are experienced in:
- Divorce applications
- Custody and arrangements for children
- De facto relationships
- Family violence restraining orders
- Property matters and division of assets
- Binding financial agreements
- Same sex relationships
It is important to seek clarification of your relationship for children and property orders as the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) has different criteria according to your relationship status.
Family law encompasses property matters, children/parenting matters and more. Parenting orders are a set of orders made by a court with regard to parenting arrangements for a child, either by consent or after a court hearing or trial. A parenting order can deal with such details as who a child will live with, the time the child will spend with each parent and other people, such as grandparents, parental responsibility, communication and any other aspect of the care, welfare and development of the child.
Our expert family lawyers also deal with family law matters that consist of trusts, commercial setup and complexity that other solicitors can’t.
Of importance is our criminal law expertise, this is because we understand the overlap between the family law jurisdiction and the criminal law jurisdiction. This can seem overwhelming but Banga Legal is here to support you and guide you through all the complexities.
We will answer your questions:
- What you are legally entitled to?
- How to manage your separation and apply for divorce
- What will happen to children and custody?
- What are your rights?
- What is a no-fault divorce?
- What happens if you have been married for less than two years?
- How will your assets be divided and the factors that impact this?
For those needing language support, we are able to manage your Family law matter in Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu and Greek. For more information on family law please do not hesitate to contact us.
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Banga Legal provides you the confidence of knowing that your guidance comes from the very best Sydney and Melbourne Lawyer.
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Chat to us about how we can assist with your legal dilemmas. We pick up where the others cannot.
We will discuss your desired outcome and formulate the best way in helping acheieve the set goals.
This is where we will put the strategy in motion. Act on the formula and drive your matter to success, using both litigation and out of court alternatives were applicable.
When you walk away knowing that you obtained the best possible outcome for your case.