So you decided to take your covid fine to court and challenge it?

Local Court

Court Process in Contesting a Fine So you decided to take your covid fine to court and challenge it? So You Decided To Take Your Fine To Court? What do you do and how does it work? Let’s look into it. To be clear, this is a very concise overview of how the process works, […]

Barrister’s lien

The recent case of Williamson & Williamson v Pay [2020] QSC 324 called into question whether, in a costs dispute between a solicitor and a barrister, a court can grant a barrister’s lien. This would allow a barrister to hold the property of a retaining solicitor pending payment of barrister’s fees. While the Supreme Court did not reject the possibility of a barrister’s lien, Justice Williams held that in principal a barrister’s lien does not differ from an equitable lien and granting of a barrister’s lien will wholly depend on the circumstances.

Mental health and the courts

Mental health is a complex area of the law. Over half of the population of Australia has experienced some mental health condition during their life, and at least 15% of criminals have a diagnosed mental illness.